Scheme Books

Standard textbooks

cover of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)

Publisher: MIT Press

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cover of How to Design Programs (HTDP)

How to Design Programs (HTDP)

Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi

Read on the web | First edition | 2nd edition

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of Essentials of Programming Languages (EOPL)

Essentials of Programming Languages (EOPL)

Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, Christopher T. Haynes


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Authors' website: 3rd edition

Source code: 3rd edition


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Little Schemer series

cover of The Little Schemer

The Little Schemer

Author page including sample chapter, errata, etc.

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of The Seasoned Schemer

The Seasoned Schemer

Author page including sample chapter, errata, etc.

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of The Reasoned Schemer

The Reasoned Schemer

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of The Little Prover

The Little Prover

Daniel P. Friedman and Carl Eastlund

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of The Little Learner

The Little Learner A Straight Line to Deep Learning

Daniel P. Friedman and Anurag Mendhekar

Publisher: MIT Press

Newer textbooks

cover of Simply Scheme

Simply Scheme Introducing Computer Science

Brian Harvey, Matthew Wright

cover of Concrete Abstractions

Concrete Abstractions An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme

Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, Karl Knight

cover of Software Design for Flexibility

Software Design for Flexibility How to Avoid Programming Yourself into a Corner

Chris Hanson, Gerald Jay Sussman

Publisher: MIT Press

cover of Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (PLAI)

Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (PLAI)

Shriram Krishnamurthi

Primarily using Plait, a Scheme variant on the Racket platform with a type system close to that of ML.

Read on the web

Using Scheme

cover of The Scheme Programming Language (TSPL)

The Scheme Programming Language (TSPL)

R. Kent Dybvig

Illustrations by Jean-Pierre Hébert

Read on the web: 2nd edition | 3rd edition | 4th edition

Errata: 3rd edition | 4th edition

cover of Realm of Racket

Realm of Racket Learn to Program, One Game at a Time!

Publisher: No Starch Press

An Introduction to Scheme

Jerry D. Smith

Store: Amazon

Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days

Dorai Sitaram

Read on the web

How to Use Scheme The Book

Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Paul Steckler

archived on wayback machine

Programming in Scheme Learn Scheme Through Artificial Intelligence Programs

cover of Racket Programming the Fun Way

Racket Programming the Fun Way From Strings to Turing Machines

James W. Stelly

Publisher: No Starch Press

cover of Sketchy Scheme

Sketchy Scheme An Introduction to Functional Programming

Nils M Holm

Author's web page

Publisher: Lulu Press

Read on the web: 3rd edition

cover of Logic Programming in Scheme

Logic Programming in Scheme

Nils M Holm

Author's web page

Publisher: Lulu Press

Implementing Scheme

cover of Les langages Lisp

Les langages Lisp (fr)
Lisp in Small Pieces (en)

Christian Queinnec (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)

Translated to English by Kathleen Callaway

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

cover of Scheme 9 from Empty Space

Scheme 9 from Empty Space

Nils M Holm

Author's web page

Publisher: Lulu Press

cover of Compiling Lambda Calculus

Compiling Lambda Calculus

Nils M Holm

Author's web page

Publisher: Lulu Press

An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation

Paul Wilson (University of Texas at Austin)

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Physche A Little Scheme in Pharo

Author's website

Read on the web

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Printed manuals

The T Programming Language A Dialect of Lisp

PC Scheme User's Guide and Language Reference Manual

TI Scheme Language Reference Manual

Programming in MacScheme

MacScheme Manual and Software

Visual Lisp A Guide to Artful Programming

Tangential books

Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming (PAIP) by Peter Norvig has a chapter on Scheme.

Lisp System Implementation by Nils M Holm is complementary to Compiling Lambda Calculus by the same author. The ideas developed in CLC are more throughly and practically implemented in LSI. The book is of interest to Scheme implementers and includes material on lexical and dynamic binding, tail call elimination, garbage collection, and non-local exits.

Lisp from Nothing by Nils M Holm describes a compiler called LISCMP. The bootstrap compiler is written in Scheme and is listed in the appendix.